Friday, September 9, 2011

Quit Smoking

Smoking is the common habit in the society nowadays. Well, too bad to say that I am smokers too. Well as every smokers says, I wanted to quit smoking but the sentence has been came out from my mouth for years and yet I’m still a smokers;o/. I did tried several ways of quitting smoking sources from the internet, like nicotine patches, nicotine gum, mental control and also to the extend of buying books that guide us to smoke free life. Does it works? Well all I can say is nicotine patch and gums are useless for me because I still seem to be in the habit although I use it for about 1 month. There is no smell on the patch or gums and they say that the nicotine content in it can prevent your lust for puff.
Well for me I think the culprit that causes me to find it hard to quit smoking is the habit. The habit to have a puff after every meal, the habit of having a puff when I drink with friends, the habit to get a puff before I enter the house or office, the habit of getting a puff when I’m in stress or relaxed. All these things if you think of it really good and healthy activities, but if you put cigarettes in the picture it seems to spoil the mood. But for smokers like me, it really brings up the mood. The feel to have a puff in a nice environment is really stress relief for smokers.
Why smokers will have the need for puff when the environment is relaxing? To be honest, I really don’t know. Why non smokers can relax and happy in anytime they wanted, but smokers like us needs cigarettes to relief ourselves. Well I did read a book from a quit smoking guru saying that one have to think on ways to counter when you have a feeling of smoking. When you saw people smoking, you have to have a sense of pity to them because they are the slaves of cigarettes, and their life span shortens by every puff they made.
Initially I did find it useful and using this method I did stop smoking for 5 months. Then I started back to smoke cigars where I find it quite the same as cigarettes but the only difference is that it do not content tar and other 4000 chemicals in the cigarettes. Now I thought whether does it makes any difference? It still damages my lung. I am still a nicotine slave, and I find it very hard to quit again.
Smokers are not stupid, they know that smoking is bad for their health and they felt disgusting too on seeing the bad advertisement pictures printed in their cigarettes box. The only thing is they can’t be bothered about all that since the lust and habit of smoking is there. The monster in the body (nicotine) always making noise asking us to feed them or else it will make our life miserable.
I did note down on the withdrawal symptoms (negative effects on your body when quit smoking) when I quit smoking. I find that there is no such thing as withdrawal symptoms. You don’t feel anything on your body that makes you uncomfortable. I did felt sleepy the first 2 days and the subsequent day I felt healthier. I breath better, feel better and more energetic;o)
I will make the effort to quit my cigar smoking now. Hope everything goes well and I can start my own program to recover my lung density. They say that in order for the lung to recover almost like normal healthy non-smokers lung, it would take 10-15 years. Hope after quitting smoking, I can fasten the recovery process using my own method. Well who cares as long as I quit smoking and lead a healthy life that is more important.   
Those whom quit smoking, remember that the first 2-3 months is a very sensitive period. Within the period, it is advisable to avoid any activities that will raise your desire to smokes, like drinking alcohol, mingle with smokers friends (just within the period), and try to get yourself out of stress. Good luck to all whom quitting smoking!!!

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